
NPR One and WatchABC toss in Chromecast streaming Support

The $35 media stick from Google, the Chromecast, keeps gaining more and more supported apps. In the beginning it was pretty easy to keep up with them all. After Google released the API and SDK to the developer world, the number of apps that take advantage of the media has grown steadily. Today a couple new higher profile apps have received updates that add in support for casting to your bigscreen.


First up is the addition of WatchABC. This app lets you watch live and on demand ABC broadcast shows. However, the live streaming is limited to specific locations and specific TV providers. If that isn’t annoying enough, the update that brought in Chromecast support is a gaining terrible reviews of it being extremely laggy. I installed it just to see and it was pretty bad. Hopefully they don’t take months to update it and solve the issues.

NPR One streaming news radio

Next up is NPR One. This app is fairly new audio app that connects you to a variety of local and national public radio news and stories curated for you. The NPR One app isn’t just loaded full of news either, there is access to some pretty funny radio shows too like Wait Wait…Don’t Tell Me.

Both apps are free to install and enjoy, for the most part. WatchABC is