
The Original Voice for Apple’s ‘Siri’ Gets Interviewed by CNN


Siri was introduced by Apple on October 4th, 2011, and it was our first look at a voice assistant that would answer anything we had to say. CNN recently got an interview with the woman who supplied her voice to the company. There is something she says in the interview that just makes livid about the fruity company.

Susan Bennett is the actual voice of Siri, and she is no stranger to lending her voice to electronics. Since the 70s, she has voiced for GPS systems, the first ATM, and various phone systems. The Verge posted an article about where Siri got her voice from, and stated that voice came from Allison Dufty. Dufty quickly responded to those claims, by saying that the voice of Siri was not her. Bennett kept quiet about it, but CNN got the information out on her.

What bugs me about this interview, is the fact that she did not even know her voice was being used for Siri. She did not even get a free iPhone that had her voice on it! How does a company not even give credit to one of their best innovations? Just terrible, but she does not even seem phased by it. I am sure she got paid handsomely for it, but still, to not even to know what your voice was being used for is pretty low. I guess, though, when you are in this line of work, your voice can be used anywhere. Anyways, check out the interview below, and let us know what you think.

Source: CNN