T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy SII gets Benchmarked, WOW
We are all eagerly waiting for the last of the three Samsung Galaxy S II’s to finally hit shelves in the U.S. Being a T-Mobile customer...
We are all eagerly waiting for the last of the three Samsung Galaxy S II’s to finally hit shelves in the U.S. Being a T-Mobile customer...
Now this is the cool stuff I like to see. Texas Instruments DLP teamed up with Samsung to build a device that they are calling the...
thederekjay has released an update to TDJ RCMix3D Runny v1.5.0 MT4G. The latest version is now 1.5.0. This release is supported on the following Device(s):– HTC...
There is nothing wrong with people trying to create a mock-up of what a new device will actually look like. They are fun and sometime even...
A while back we let you know that Smurfs’ Village was headed to an Android device near you soon. Well, that day came and went and...
I love it when things get interesting. When carriers fight, when law suites are tossed around, when things are said that aren’t true and especially when...
Nothing like a long week of flub ups and for T-Mobile. The myTouch Q and, what ever the other one is called, hit the web and...
The original 10 point lock screen theme that we posted a while back is still my favorite. I use it everyday and even though I might...
Not long after the release of the HTC Sensation we caught wind of another Sensation called the XL. With dramatically better specs and some amazing enhancements...
Product Description With the Samsung MHL Adapter, you can playback your videos on your HD-ready TV using a standard HDMI cable. You’ll be amazed at what your Samsung...
October 10th is only 4 days away. That is the official web launch day for the HTC Amaze. The official in store launch is scheduled for...
The official day of the new Nexus unveiling is fast approaching. Not as fast as we would all like, but it is coming. It seems that...
If you’ve checked out my weekly YouTube show, The Film Junkee, you would know that I am a die hard Batman fan. He’s been my favorite...
Oh you crazy Photoshop junkies, how do I love thee? Seriously though, there is some amazing software out for our PC’s that can do just about...
One thing that Android has sort of lacked is the ability to quickly and easily change tasks. Sure, you can hold your home key and change...
There goes Google again, making another update to a widely popular application. Google Shopper is one of that apps that almost everyone has but always forgets...
Continuing on with my previous post about the ASUS Padfone, I also came across another company on the cutting edge of simplifying your life and improving...
This morning we ran a story about a rumor that Samsung might be cooking up a phone/tablet hybrid system that would allow you to plop you...
Product Description If you are looking for a case that will help protect your HTC Sensation from nicks and scratches then look no further than the HTC TPU Skin...
The more apps that Google updates that take full advantage of tablets the better. It shows other developers that tablets aren’t just a fad and that...