Still debating about buying the Epic 4G Touch? Samsung has some great video overviews Available
The Samsung support site is a great resource to look to when you are in the market for the latest and greatest devices they carry. They...
The Samsung support site is a great resource to look to when you are in the market for the latest and greatest devices they carry. They...
I love it when the person in charge of getting things put up on YouTube forget to mark the video private. The leak could have been...
The boys over at got their hands on the highly anticipated Samsung Galaxy S II X phone nicknamed ‘Hercules’. Judging by the video, it looks...
Deals, Deals, Deals and more deals. There are many times that you may see an item of particular interest roll through your email in box or...
I have been using MIUI now for less than two weeks. It took me a long time to finally decide to give it a shot and...
baadnewz has released an update to InsertCoin Sensation – Sensation XE Leak. The latest version is now v2.5.5-2. This release is supported on the following Device(s):–...
You’ve all heard about the giant satellite orbiting (or not) around the planet that is about to fall to Earth, right? Â Normally dead satellites burn up...
After Spotify was announced for the U.S. they let people trickle in the same way Google Plus did, invite only. Everyone was clamoring for an invite...
Samsung is really starting to impress me more and more. I can remember a time when I thought Samsung and I immediately turned up my nose...
Yes, I am fully aware of the spelling issue with “Lady’s”. That has no bearing on the theme, since that is what it is called. This...
Ok, before I go on my rant about this I will start by saying that I can understand their position and can respect Verizons decision to...
I can’t think of a single person that has an Android device that hasn’t given at least one alternate keyboard a shot. I can count 10...
No one likes bloatware. You know, those apps that carriers and manufacturers pre-install on your device for you. The ones that take up extra space and...
Many of you have YouTube accounts, some of you might not even know you do. It is all linked to you via your Google GMail. You...
Cooper Media Corp. , the company behind Paradise Island and My Country, have released their latest title to the Android Market. Instead of the fun-loving and peaceful...
EDT has released an update to Bulletproof. The latest version is now 1.2. This release is supported on the following Device(s):– HTC Sensation 1.2 – Sep...
mike1986 has released an update to Android Revolution HD . The latest version is now 3.6.0. This release is supported on the following Device(s): – HTC...
Artem, from AndroidPolice, had a brilliant idea. Lets compare boot times for 3 various HTC devices against the recently released Epic 4G Touch. Why might this...
The greatest hurdle with gaming on a mobile device is the ability to game with others. There are a handful of games available that allow you...
When I am looking for MIUI themes or certain elements of a theme, there are a few things I personally look for. The first being uniqueness....