ROM – @TeamRoyal_Roms Royal Senseless V1.0 for HTC myTouch 4G (Glacier)/ T-Mobile
TeamRoyal has released an update to Royal Senseless V1.0. The latest version is now 1.0. This release is supported on the following Device(s):– HTC myTouch 4G...
TeamRoyal has released an update to Royal Senseless V1.0. The latest version is now 1.0. This release is supported on the following Device(s):– HTC myTouch 4G...
ficeto has released an update to DarkyROM2 XWKF3 v1.0 Beta 2. The latest version is now v1.0 Beta . This release is supported on the following...
nickmcminn60 has released an update to MIUI ReVaMpEd #3 (1.7.8). The latest version is now 1.7.8 (sta. This release is supported on the following Device(s):– Samsung...
DroidTh3ory has released an update to GINGERTH3ORY V4.5.1. The latest version is now v4.5.1. This release is supported on the following Device(s):– HTC Thunderbolt: Verizon Thunderbolt...
jbbandos has released an update to QND MIUI v1.7.5. The latest version is now v1.7.5. This release is supported on the following Device(s):– HTC Nexus One:...
DADDYDC650 has released an update to Streamline CM7 – v0.1. The latest version is now 0.1. This release is supported on the following Device(s):– HTC...
Again with the themes/skins you ask? Absolutely! After taking a look at my poll from earlier and seeing how many people are clicking in for the...
Often times we find our selves using an app that we absolutely adore but we wish the color scheme was different. Google+ fits into this category...
When dual boot was enabled for the HD2, allowing you to boot windows or Android, I nearly lost my mind. Not that I cared to boot...
Developers, hackers and modders are abundant in the Android community. We have seen front facing camera mods for the Vibrant, crazy soldering jobs for Logitech Revue...
We brought you a little info on the sticky that is sitting in XDA containing more the 170 CM7 themes to use with the theme chooser...
Scrabble was by far my least favorite game of all during my childhood. Not because it’s a horrible game. Simply because my parents forced me to...
I have an issue and I am hoping you guys can help guide me and the site into something you want to visit regularly and talk...
I am a Netflix junkie. Which is mildly entertaining to some since I argued how pointless it was when I had the internet and could get...
If you have patiently been waiting to make your way from your current carrier to head to Verizon, this might just be up your alley. Wirefly...
We originally brought Xperia Arc to light after getting some time with it back at CES 2011 in January. If you follow the site often then...
WOW, this is a surprise. Not the fact that yet another Android device is making its way to Sprint, but the fact that it will come...
Amazon has released their FREE app of the day, and today we have Age of Zombies by Halfbrick Studios Pty Ltd. An awesome game game thats now...
Well that sure didn’t take long for someone to capitalize on. Looks like kovdev an ADWLauncher themer, took that nifty little Google+ icon we are all now sporting and turned...
When Motorola came out swinging in the Android world, they did so in a big way. Then we all found out that their bootloaders were locked...