How to Root the new T-Mobile Sidekick 4G
So you just purchased the new T-Mobile Sidekick 4G made by Samsung, and would like to Root it to make the best out of your phone?...
So you just purchased the new T-Mobile Sidekick 4G made by Samsung, and would like to Root it to make the best out of your phone?...
Amazon has released their FREE app of the day, and today we have Hundred Pushups by SoftwareX.  Feel like getting in shape?  Wish you could do a...
The Android Terminal Emulator which allows you to run root shell commands within the OS itself has been updated. Here is the change-log for this update:...
abhi0n0nakul has released an update to RCmixHD PORT *2.3.3 + SENSE 2.1* v1.2. The latest version is now v1.2. This release is supported on the following...
Upon thumbing through the Android Market you may have noticed that you had an update (or maybe a few updates if you’re like me) available. Google...
thederekjay has released an update to MIUI 1.5.2 demonSPEED Optimized v1.1b. The latest version is now 1.5.2 v1.1. This release is supported on the following Device(s):–...
Although the deal has yet to be approved, AT&T has provided a bit of insight as to how they plan on transitioning the existing T-Mobile customers...
Good news for our neighbors up north, if you’re a Mobilicity customer that is. Mobilicity has just announced that they will be the exclusive Canadian carriers...
dhemke17 has released an update to GingerBean v1.0 Beta 1. The latest version is now 1. This release is supported on the following Device(s):– HTC Thunderbolt:...
eViL_D has released an update to Virtuous Fusion MT4G v1.0.7. The latest version is now v1.0.7. This release is supported on the following Device(s):– HTC Glacier/T-Mobile...
The T-Mobile G2x was released back in April with the intention of being the new flagship device for T-Mobile. Although it’s been a short journey thus...
Amazon Wireless has become known for the crazy promotional deals they offer on various devices. Over time we’ve seen new phones listed for up to $100...
Moviestar70 has released an update to MIUI-Celebration HD 9.3 Black Edition. The latest version is now 9.3. This release is supported on the following Device(s):– HTC...
Food? Devices? Sounds good to us. Sprint and Motorola have announced that they will be hosting an event in which a few of their new collaborations...
AT&T has finally announced the deployment of their LTE network which is set to rollout this Summer. The initial launch will encompass five cities which will...
As you may remember the promotional materials for the LG Revolution started arriving in stores yesterday after a long period of silence regarding the device. The...
Our good friends over at Otterbox sent through another little package for us to take a look at, and this time the case they suppled is for...
This just in– HTC has announced on their Twitter AND their Facebook that they are in the process of “reviewing” their bootloader policy. Does this mean...
RoDrIgUeZsTyLe has released an update to RoDrIgUeZsTyLeT MIUIMOD v3.2. The latest version is now v3.2. This release is supported on the following Device(s):– HTC Nexus One:...
trismegistos has released an update to ZuluGen – 0.2 . The latest version is now 0.2. This release is supported on the following Device(s):– Google Samsung...