
ROM – @abhi0n0nakul RCmixHD PORT *2.3.3 + SENSE 2.1* v1.2 for HTC Nexus One/ Google Nexus One

abhi0n0nakul has released an update to RCmixHD PORT *2.3.3 + SENSE 2.1* v1.2. The latest version is now v1.2.

This release is supported on the following Device(s):
– HTC Nexus One: Google Nexus One

Untitled document


v1.2.1: (26 MAY 2011)
battery percent with vertical battery like in gingerbread..
fixed gps icons…

v1.2: (25 MAY 2011)
usb mount/disk drive works perfect
cleaned up framework and apps.
sense 3.0 weather, though the widget is of sense 2.1
faster than v 1.1
polaris office works now
new smooth version of lockscreen
new version of messages app
recent apps pane added back to the notifications area.
htc tips and some other useless apps removed.
and many more….

Head over to abhi0n0nakul’s CommunityRelease Developer Homepage for more information and downloads.