Is This the HTC Vision?

We previously heard about the HTC Vision, a phone that would be any Android lover’s dream. Also rumored as Project Emerald, possibly one last move to...

Photoshop Fail Ray Hits HTC Aria

Usually, when the subject of Photoshop mistakes comes up, it’s in regards to ads where models have a little bit more or less than what should...

Best Buy Re-opens Droid X Pre-Ordering

This is an interesting development. Claiming to have pre-sold their estimated stock, as of Sunday, July 4th  Best Buy will again take pre-orders for the new...

Android Fragmentation–July 2010

Google has released the latest fragmentation charts, and there are some interesting changes. As expected, fragmentation is still and will always be an issue in some...

The PanDigital Novel Rooted!

The hacker community isn’t just about rooting Android phones, they don’t discriminate, as this eReader has now fallen victim to what talented members of the Android...

AndroidVoid Fills a Gap in Your Life

You’ve got FroYo running nicely on your phone, and you’ve got Flash 10.1 installed. So….now what? There are always flash videos to watch, AngryAlien is a...

A Sign of Things to Come?

While looking through Twitter for any interesting Android developments, I spotted this tweet from DroidNinja: Could it be T-Mobile is getting ready to officially put the...