
Is the HTC Evo Durable? I Think Not.

I would like to share with you an epic fail that happened over the weekend. I was sitting in a lawn chair over at the in-laws and BAM, my HTC EVO fell out of my pocket. See below what happened.

Now the whole reason this is even post-worthy is to let you guys know that I owned the first generation HTC Evo before they switched to the Epson screen. Now you’re probably wondering why this even matters, right? Well, let me explain.

I was talking on my 1st gen HTC Evo and it fell from about 6 feet up, bounced about 8 times on the concrete and the screen did not have a scratch on it at all, and the body damage was minimal. Unfortunately, I had to send that phone in for replacement due to a separate issue. Enter Evo #2,  which only dropped not even a foot and the screen shattered.

I think this is a huge fail on HTC for switching to Epson due to the lack of hardware available. I don’t know about how each one of you feel but I would rather wait a few weeks for a very durable phone than a poorly put together one.

Do you think HTC should have waited until more hardware was in stock to produce a more durable phone? Let us know in the comments below.