myTouch 3G Slide reviewed

Contemplating getting a MT3G Slide? Engadget has a review of the device, and as usual it’s very thorough. The myTouch Slide is the latest version of...

TD Bank app found

The mystery of the vanishing app has been solved.   To refresh, yesterday’s market-fresh apps post included a pretty nice looking app for TD Bank of...

This week’s market-fresh apps

As you’ve likely heard from one source or another, Android Market is growing at a phenomenal pace. Roughly 5,000 or more new apps are being added each...

HTC Evo Takes A Bite Of Froyo

It doesn’t take long for members around the Android community to “hack” the latest devices. It seems like the HTC Evo doesn’t seem to give them...

Symantec Brings Security To Android Phones

Symantec, who’s name we all know as Norton, will be coming to Android devices slated for a June release.  The upcoming “Norton Everywhere” products will allow Symantec’s security...

myTouch Slide now just $129.99

Well the boys over at TMO News have spotted that Wal-Mart will be selling the myTouch slide for $129.99 with a new activation. That is a...