
Peggle Blast and SimCity BuildIt coming to Android

EA slipped a little news into our inbox this afternoon. It was cleverly geared towards the latest Apple devices and what EA has in-store for it. Clicking through lead to a little information on two new games that will not only be finding their way to iOS, but also to our little Android world as well.

SimCity BuildIt EA
First up is SimCity BuildIt. This title will use a 3D interface that looks pretty similar to the full-sized editions of the game. EA states that you will be able to pinch to zoom in and out of your metropolis and spin 360 degrees for full access to all the happenings. While it might have a lot of the similar aspects, it is noted that this is an “all-new SimCity game like you’ve never seen before.”

SimCity BuildIt EASimCity BuildIt EA
With EA behind the title there are plenty of things that can be terrorized. For instance, it will probably be a free-to-play title laden with in-app purchases and time based abilities. It is the state of the mobile gaming industry and the best way to make long-term profits.

Another title that is on its way is a new iteration of Peggle, Peggle Blast.

Peggle BlastPeggle BlastPeggle Blast
I always did like the Peggle series. Looking at the screenshots, and the very limited description from EA, it looks like this should be a pretty decent addition for Peggle fans. That is assuming we don’t find out that power-ups and moving forward will be a nightmare with coins or jewels that take to long to earn.

EA leaves us hanging on many of the details surrounding both titles. There is a hint that they are both slated for a fall release, but that was part of the iOS post they released. We can never count on a company pushing the game cross-platform at the same time. There could be more little goodies coming from EA though in terms of adding in wearable functionality. EA already has a small team prototyping ideas that could put some factor of gaming on your wrist. Again, aimed at the iOS and Apple Watch crowd, but it is feasible that Android Wear is mixed in there too. They are leaning towards extension apps that would let you make quick passive actions from your wrist for your game. They use Real Racing 3 as a potential example where you can access “Team Driver” and have your team race events when you aren’t able to actually play. I could see this coming to fruition from Sims Free Play and SimCity BuildIt where you could send your Sims to work and such from your wrist without the need to grab your phone or tablet.

We will have to wait and see exactly when  EA will release these for Android and if they did their due diligence to make them affordable and less “GIVE US MONEY NOW TO PLAY” or not.

Source: EA | Peggle Blast | SimCity BuildIt