Looking to quickly snag up a game to help you relax after a long Monday? Well, Electronics Arts has a special on two apps currently.
The first being the highly addictive flower power tower defense, zombie smashing game from Popcap, Plants vs. Zombies. This one is generally $2.99 out of pocket for all the zombie house defending action you can handle, but for a limited time it is on sale for just $0.99. The description claims this as a daily deal, so we are assuming that it will go back to full price tomorrow.

The second game up for sale is a classic with a new twist. Monopoly Millionaire. Looks like Monopoly, sounds like Monopoly, but seems to be a bit different. Gaining the ability to buy Dreamland properties, upgrade movers and shoot for a Million bucks. Looks pretty fancy.

The final game up for grabs is Dead Space. Loaded full of wicked weapons, awesome kenisis powers and a slew of vicious monsters, it is sure to keep you on your toes. I know I picked this one up a while back when it was part of another sale, sadly I haven’t played it a whole lot yet though. Originally $6.99, on sale for the day for just $0.99.

Snag em while the snagging is good. Just be sure to have a solid Wi-Fi connection available for the later of the two. They both come with some pretty hefty additional files. You can click on any of the games banners to go straight to the Play Store and pick them up. Also, this are all for the U.S. not sure about the rest of the world. Happy Gaming.