
“Pony Express” looks to be a way to pay bills via Gmail

Google is always looking for ways to make our lives a little bit easier. Google Wallet is one way Google has helped people transfer money to and from friends and family. It is also a pretty great way to save some cash, buy things and pay bills. However, Google is apparently looking to make the later even easier than giving you a digital wallet with a service that is currently being called Pony Express.

Google Pony Express

The additional ability is making its appearance inside Gmail and gives you the ability to pay a bill with a few quick little taps. It certainly would be easier than having to follow links and log in to other websites to make those online payments. According to a few leaked internal screenshots of how it is envisioned, you will be able to select how much to pay, what card you want to use and when you want to pay it.

Google Pony Express

It also appears that you would need to run though a 4 step process to sign up for the ability. One step that is seen above requires your Social Security Number and Driver’s License number. Which helps verify for identity through IdentiCo.

Pony Express is supposedly aimed at a launch in the fourth quarter of this year and they are already lining up third-party companies who want to offer this ability to their customers. I assume we will see big banks, major telecom and TV providers hit the list rather quickly. My little local CoOp Electric company and offshoot property management agency probably won’t make the cut, but there is hope as one screen appears to let you input the details on your own.

There is a chance that Google will talk about Pony Express in May during Google I/O. I will be there and let you know what they have to say, if anything, at that time.

Source: Recode Via Techaeris