
Poor Sales Cause HTC to Move Out of South Korea’s Market

HTC has had a pretty good first half of the year with the new HTC One phones. I, for one, love my HTC One S and I know others that are really enjoying their One S or One X. Despite releasing this super-phones, sales are down, and HTC just cannot seem to catch a break. In South Korea, poor sales are causing HTC to exit that market because Samsung has pretty much taken over the country.

So first, we hear about HTC phones no longer having the Beats Audio brand to rock are ear drums, and now this. Saddens me really. I have always gone the HTC route with my phone purchases, will always go that route until they are now more. According Korean Times, HTC wrote, that this is “a long-term process and not an immediate one as we want to cause the least disturbance for our customers here and continue after-sales services.” I guess this will also help “streamline operations”, so I am guessing this is a ploy to stay afloat? Whatever be the case, HTC has some damage to repair, and hopefully some new high-powered phones will lift them back up to being one of the kings in the mobile market, as they once were. Let us know what you guys think.

Source: Android Community