
Possibility that Motorola’s new flagship will actually be called the ‘Moto X One’

Moto X OneAs is often the case in the land of rumours, a device doesn’t necessarily end up with the name that we think it should – case in point, the HTC One M8 wasn’t called ‘The All New HTC One’. So it’s with this knowledge that we approach the Motorola Moto X+1’s name, one that has stuck with us since the rumours started, but hasn’t really been challenged. According to a post on Droid Forums though, the name of the Moto X+1 might actually be the ‘Moto X One‘, but the name of the device isn’t the most interesting thing here – it’s the source.

Moto X OneThis information comes to us from a casting call email that calls for female actors to appear in a commercial with a mobile device called the “X ONE”. While this could always just be a paraphrasing of the name for simplicity, but we’re not one to ignore information we see; having said that though, we acknowledge that this evidence is extremely tenuous so we’ll just have to put this one on the backburner till the device is launched next month.

What do you think about the name ‘Moto X One’? Do you think this could be the real name of Motorola’s new flagship? Let us know your opinion in the comments below.

Source: Droid Forums via TalkAndroid