
Possible Android 4.4 Soak Test Invites Being Sent Out for the Moto X


The Moto X now has a little brother, but everyone is wondering when that first Google and Motorola phone will see some Android 4.4 KitKat. Of course they were very vague about when both the Moto X and the Moto G was going to receive the update by claiming “very soon”, but it looks like it will be a lot sooner than later. If you are part of the Motorola Feedback group, you might see an invite for a brand new soak test. No details on what exactly what the soak test is for, but we are all assuming it is for the Android 4.4 update. Here is what the invite states:


Thanks for joining the Motorola Feedback Network. We are inviting owners of the Moto X on Verizon to participate in an early preview of a new software release, and provide feedback.  If you are not currently using a Moto X, please excuse and ignore this email.

Click this link — retracted – to take the enrollment survey if you wish to take part. Note that you must be a member in good standing of the Motorola Owners’ Forums to be included. The registration window could close without notice so please respond as quickly as possible.

This is a confidential test under the terms of the Motorola Feedback Network. Do not post any details or information about this on any public sites.

Thanks — please understand that start times are always fluid. We ask for your patience if you register but don’t hear from us right away.

Motorola Owners’ Forums
Motorola Feedback Network

So if you are part of the Motorola Feedback club, you might be able to play with some KitKat very soon. Let us know if you do.

Source: Droid-Life