
Pulse News Reader App For Android Even Better Than iPhone/iPad Versions

For a while now I have been waiting for a good news reader app such as Google Reader for my Android device. I think I have finally stumbled on an app noteworthy of such praise – Pulse!

Earlier this year Steve Jobs raved about Pulse on the iOS platform during his WWDC keynote and just a few weeks ago the app made major headlines when it was launched on the iPad. With the release of the Pulse on the Android Market, access to the latest news has never been easier!

The Pulse News Reader, developed by Alphonso Labs,  pulls in articles from RSS feeds adding images and headlines in a visually rich layout. It is easy to add feeds and also  search sites easily using keywords. You can even add YouTube channels and Twitter accounts and easily arrange and share stories to friends via email, Facebook or Twitter.

The Android user experience is amazingly identical to what users get on the iPhone and iPad. What makes the Android version better? An extra option that isn’t available on the iOS versions – the “Add from Google Reader” option. This option allows you to pull in feeds from your Google Reader – my personal favorite!

For a paid app, Pulse has its faults. It does not import my Google Alerts feeds from Google Reader. Another issue I soon noticed was that the app limits users to a maximum of 20 news feeds which defeats the purpose of having such an app.

On a positive note, considering the fact that this is the third platform release from a team of three full-time people in just under three months, it’s a good start. I hope to see improvements in the next versions.

Pulse is available right now in the Android Market for $1.99. You can find it by clicking or scanning on the QRCode below. Download it and let us know what you think.


Source: TechCrunch