
Why not? Someone has put an emulated Game Boy Color on Android Wear and plays Pokemon

Game Boy Color on Android WearFirst Windows 95, now Game Boy Color on Android Wear. We know Android Wear is basically Android for smartwatches, so it’s no surprise that it appears to work just as well as a mini Android device. So much so that Corbin Davenport, the same guy who put Windows 95 on Android Wear, has put an emulated Game Boy Color on Android Wear and plays Pokemon with it. Check out the video below:

If that’s not already cool enough, Davenport hooks up a MOGA Bluetooth controller to play an assortment of Gameboy Color games like Pokemon, Super Mario and Tetris and apparently didn’t need to jump through any hoops to make it work with the Samsung Gear Live via Bluetooth. We wouldn’t be surprised to see more from Davenport as he seems intent on trying as many things as technically possible on his Gear Live.

What would you like to see running on an Android Wear device? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: YouTube via TalkAndroid