
Quick Look App: Frame Grabber $4.20- Use video to take Pictures

Sony Digital Network Applications, Inc is on the right track with Frame Grabber. They have taken a very much needed concept and turned it into the simplest and easiest to use application I have ever had the privileged of reviewing.

The application takes the guess work out of setting up your camera to take those much desired action shots. Instead of getting consistently blurry photos that only irritate you, simply switch over to your camcorder and take a short video. Once you have sufficient video footage, launch Frame Grabber, select your video and find that perfect frame to save as a photo.

Taking a look at the controls, you can see you can scroll forward, backward, zoom in and out. The zoom function is not exactly what you might think it is. It will not zoom in and out on the image. It allows you to zoom in and out of the video frames get in to more precise locations. Instead of seeing a time stamp of 1:05.42 on one frame and then 1:06.49 on the second, zoom in and now your frames will be 1:05.42 and the next frame 1:05.45. Near as I can tell the closest frame by frame it offers is with in 3:1000th of a second intervals. That should be more then fast enough to get just the right image pulled out.

The menu gives you exactly what you need without  a bunch of extra features that won’t get used. You have save image, zoom, play, grab, recent and options. Grab lets you ‘grab’ a new video to work with. The others are self explanatory. I like the play function personally. I take a lot of short videos of my kids and dog, sometimes the perfect photo is 20 or 30 seconds in. Simply hit play and then pause it where you want to start. Once you have found that perfect shot, save the image. It can now be found in your Gallery under Frame Grabber, or in the same location in your file explorer application.

I think the price they are asking for this application is definitely worth every penny if you can never seem to get just the right shot with your camera. As always this was tested to work flawless on the Samsung Vibrant. The developers state it is available and working for all versions of Android. Even if that is the case they also have a statement on the market that clearly states “Does NOT work with Motorola Droid”. With 500 downloads so far and 42 ratings giving this application 5 STARS, you know it is a great application.

Click or Scan the QRCode below to find out more information about the Frame Grabber application. 

Summary and Downloads:

Application: Frame Grabber
Developer: Sony Digital Network Applications, Inc.
Cost: $4.20