
Rage Against The Exploit – Malware Update

We have a few updates regarding the exploit-heard-round-the-world. Manufacturers  along with a few security sites have contacted Android Police in regards to the discoveries that occurred last night. One of those security sites, Lookout, has aptly named this trojan “DroidDream“, which was the name most commonly used in the coding of the exploit.

More details have been released on who this exploit would/could have effected. Since the vulnerability was patched in Android 2.3+ Gingerbread releases, anyone using ROMs or official releases is safe. What does this mean for pre-Gingerbread users? Well thanks to the guys at XDA it only means you need to flash a quick patch that will protect you from future releases of the trojan. Of course you may have to be rooted to do this. Providers will hopefully release official patches for this bug through OTA or other methods.

To download the patch visit the XDA thread, which is also a hub for any questions or information regarding the contents of the patch. Everyone needs to thank Android Police for all their work concerning this matter. Great job guys, you put your name to a good use. =)