
Razr and Razr MAXX soak tests start rolling Out

Verizon and Motorola are currently pushing out a soak test to both the Droid RAZR and Droid RAZR MAXX. It is being listed as 6.12.181. The update was posted to Verizon  website only yesterday outlining what new goodies you could expect to find. Current feed back from those that are part of the test group have been extremely happy with the update. Reporting faster toggling to and from Airplane mode and long-standing force close issues finally being resolved.

The test period is scheduled to complete in about 4 days. After that time frame, unless something major arises, they should start the long process of updating all users. Don’t get to excited though. This is not an Ice Cream Sandwich update. I am sure that Motorola and Verizon are laying the ground work to bring that update to users hands though. At least we hope they are.

Source: Droid-Life