
Google’s Project Fi backlogged, invite requests to take until mid-summer to complete

Gogole’s Project Fi, the pay-as-you-go Wi-Fi/cell service, was officially announced on April 22nd. At that time would be users had to sign-up and keep their fingers crossed for an invite to use the low-cost alternative. No doubt many of you pushed your details through hoping for a chance to give it a shot. I know I have seen a few people I follow on G+ get in, while many more are checking every email notification intently. It now looks like you can save some battery life, quite refreshing your email account and making sure it didn’t hit the spam folder for some odd reason.


Project_Fi GoogleThe above image is an email I received last night from Google in regards to my Project Fi submission. As you can see, they are projecting a mid-summer completion. While that is some sad news, there is a small light at the end of the tunnel. They also mentioned that they will be launching a way for you to check on your Project Fi status invite. I am assuming they will list out something like your current position on the list so you can watch the count down. Hopefully it isn’t just a page that say “processing”. That would be irritating.

How many of you that signed up on announcement day already have your invite in?