
Review: Supertooth Freedom Bluetooth Headphones With NFC


When you think of  quality headphones names like Beats, Turtle Beach and Sennheiser probably come to mind straight away. While the aforementioned are indeed some great headphones there is a world of headphones beyond the big name brands. Supertooth is one of those brands, and they’re looking to give the big names a run for their money by offering similar quality at a much more affordable and reasonable price.


Let’s get the biggest part of the review out of the way right now. I’ve been fortunate enough to use the big name headphones and I know what good quality audio should sound like. I already own a pair of Turtle Beach i60’s, which I absolutely love. I’ve used friends Beats headphones and Sennheiser I’ve used when I played in my old band. The Supertooth Freedom’s sound quality is nothing to scoff at. It produces great all around sound giving you a full and immersive experience. I couldn’t even take these to full volume for fear I’d damage my hearing. There was absolutely no cracking or degradation of the sound over Bluetooth or wired. The Freedom’s bass reproduction is superb but if you’re looking for the Beats bass sound, you’ll not find it here. Beats are manufactured with a total bass experience in mind. The Freedom is looking to give a balance and try to level everything out. That’s not to say you can’t listen to bass heavy music with these, you can, just don’t expect them to be geared toward a bass experience. The Freedom’s also support phone calls, you can switch to a phone call via the ear piece button and quickly switch back to music when you’re done.

Technical specifications
Bluetooth version 4.0
NFC connection
Stereo streaming of music files via Bluetooth A2DP profile, from any mobile phone or PC equipped with the same technology
Portable product, listen to your favorite music anywhere thanks to its rechargeable battery
Outstanding audio quality
Operating range : 10 meters
Frequency : 2,4 GHz

Battery, Bluetooth Range, NFC, Build Quality and Design

The battery on the Freedom’s is amazing. I went easily two days without charging them once. And that’s with about 3-5 hours of listening to music each of those days. The battery is really a high point in this entire review, Bluetooth accessories can be a pain when you’re having to recharge the damn thing all the time. The Bluetooth range on these headphones is second to none. I was able to walk away from my phone close to 50 feet before I started experiencing signal loss. I tested the Bluetooth range in a metal warehouse with racks and lots of equipment. Your results may vary depending on where you’re at and what’s in the path of the Bluetooth signal. The Freedom’s also come with NFC pairing capabilities, which I did not test as I did not have an NFC capable device on hand. But this is a great feature for Android users, not so useful for iPhone users. The build quality is actually very good as well. It’s mostly all plastic with the exception of the inner rails, which look aluminum. The only real complaint I can find with the build quality is that fingerprints tend to love the glossy plastic, be prepared (if you’re a neat freak) to wipe your phones down daily. The overall design is spectacular. You can tell they are shooting for the Beats crowd with the clean curves and simple lines. I’d rate the design right up their with the competition.


The Supertooth Freedom’s are really an awesome set of headphones for the asking price of $149. They really stand their own against Beats or any other big name headset maker. There were very little complaints that I had with the Freedom headphones, mostly trivial things like fingerprints on the plastic. I was also slightly annoyed with the dust covers for the AUX in and microUSB. But most dust covers are kind of annoying anyway. I highly recommend these headphones if you’re seeking a pair of Bluetooth headphones with quality sound and NFC. I didn’t mention this earlier but the Freedom’s do not have noise canceling technology but really that’s a minor drawback. The Supertooth Freedom’s have a nice minimal clean design that competes with the likes of Beats and others. The sound is extraordinary for the price tag. NFC is a win for those with Android devices. Overall I give the Supertooth Freedom’s 4 out of 5 stars. For the price here folks, you just can’t lose. These are well worth the $149. Hit the link below to get a pair of your own Supertooth Freedom’s!

Supertooth Freedom