
Google Play Games to bring cross-platform multiplayer to Android and iOS at GDC 2014?

google play gamesGames are one area that Google and Android  in general have paid very little attention to in general, though they have taken steps to remedy this recently with the changes they brought in with Google Play Services 4.1 earlier this year (read more about what this changed here). Well, it looks like Google may be bringing in a few more gaming-centric changes in the near future as a blog post recently went up detailing changes to Google Play Games which look to change the face of mobile gaming as we know it and could be announced at GDC 2014 this week.

That blog post was quickly taken down, however we have the benefit of a cached copy to divulge Google’s incoming changes to Google Play Games. The biggest of the changes appears to be the ability to support Android and iOS cross-platform multiplayer, both for turn-based and real-time games. As you can imagine, this is pretty exciting news as bitter rivals like Android and iOS users can now be bitter rivals on the battlefield as well. Other changes detailed in the post include the addition of gifting to Play Games which will enable you to send virtual goods to people in your Google+ circles or standard player search. Google also says there will be changes to AdMob which should help developers make the most of Google’s advertising machines.

Whether these changes actually get announced at GDC 2014 or if the blog post was taken down for some other reason remains to be seen, but it looks like some big changes are due for Google Play Games in the near future. What’s the most exciting part of these changes in your opinion? Let us know what you think in the comments.

Source: Android Developers Blog via Phone Arena