
ROM – @Team ERA Frankenstein`s Ego for Samsung Galaxy S II/ Sprint Epic 4G Touch

Team ERA has released an update to Frankenstein`s Ego. The latest version is now 4.5.

This release is supported on the following Device(s):
– Samsung Galaxy S II: Sprint Epic 4G Touch

What comes in the ROM?

• Comes with “S voice”…
• FE16 Deodexed and ICS themed. Thanks to agat for the base. Thanks to Tiffany for some of the theme, overstew for the rest.
*Removed*• 360 Rotation when rotation is selected. (needs more requests)
• Menu button unlock.
• Boot support.
• Boosted all notification and ringtones, you wont complain its not loud enough!!!
• AOSP keyborad (LatinIME), its the only kb installed, details below.
• 1% Battery mod by default in the framework. (please uncheck battery% in settings/display) 
• AOSP browser, its faster.
• Themed phone.apk and contacts.apk. Thanks agat.
• Stock ICS lockscreen.
*Removed*• NAV bar update.zips for this rom/theme only.(need more requests)
• FE16plus kernel, thanks to sfhub and RadioActiveDisorder.
• Added new Apex launcher with updates. (5/21/2012)
• Silent camera, thanks agat.
• SGS3 wallpaper by default, Ill upload a package soon after
• Updated with new SGS3 wallpaper_chooser.apk, now comes with real wallpapers.
• Kobridge zipalign, THANKS man, good work…
• Super Build.prop tweaks, thanks to kobridge, added some of my own values.
• Init.d support, with some of the best already in there,kobridge_zipalign, some of kobridge`s tweaks (tested), ext4 tweak, several others.
• Torch app installed, also sdxAppRemover (just small and simple)
• Unlocked stock recovery.
• HD youtube.
• MTP/Mass storage switcher app.
•CM9 LWP`s.
• SGS3 LWP`s.
• SGS3 sounds/ringtones/notifications.
•.png`s will be optimized in the next version.
Also on the to do list… Some more theming to the notification icons (they are huge and white atm, I no like )


•••Coming soon••• tweaked SGS3 image sizes in new wallpaper chooser…

•••Ego v4.5•••
0. FE16 ROM talk starts on page 33, post # 325
1. Added SGS3 LWP`s.
2. Added SGS3 shutdown.
3. Added Updated Apex launcher (5/21/2012)
4. Added menu button unlock.
5. Added 1% battery mod by default, thanks Tiffany.
6. Kobridge zip_align.
7. Added kobridge tweaks v2.4 with some modded values.
8. Added wifi sleep tweak provided by guess who, kobridge 
9. I actually think Im missing something, mmmm, what was it?
10. Speed, added speed, yeah thats what it was, must of added some mah`s to the battery also 
11. Oh and how could I forget “s voice” thats right. (uploaded in v4.5, finished!)(you may need to enable “Samsung powered by vlingo” in settings/language and input/voice recognition/Samsung powered by Vlingo, and maybe SamsungTTS instead of GoogleTTS, you all let us know the combo that works best)
12. New Default SGS3 wallpaper (the real deal this time).

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