
ROM – @wildstang83 Pure Speed REwInD v7 for HTC Droid Incredible


wildstang83 has released an update to Pure Speed REwInD v7. The latest version is now 7.

This release is supported on the following Device(s):
– HTC Droid Incredible

Untitled document


14 July 2011:

Ubdate to V6


15 July2 011:

Updated to 7, eMMC music playback fixed..Thanks Nils, upgrade to 4 bar sig for better accuracy…Thanks Nils, update to system settings, no more 4G junk, removed vr superwipe, updated market, updated maps, re added wireless tether, decompressed to 0 on some system apps, rezipaligned, NO MORE CALL GUARD, Fastest build yet. This is a major update.





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