
ROM – @x1xmelvinx2x The Beast v3 for HTC Glacier/T-Mobile myTouch 4G

bosina has released an update to The Beast v3. The latest version is now 3.

This release is supported on the following Device(s):
– HTC Glacier/T-Mobile myTouch 4G

Untitled document





*Ok So new bootscreen, hope you like it

*New launcher2 from the lg g2x(i love its fast effects) Gb themed

*Removed SystemApp remover since it was a paid app

*Edited The FM app, darker and added some green to the icon and app itself

*Restored calculator`s original icon(TW)

*Themed Dialer a little more

*Added some green color to the Lg notepad

*Added Gtalk with video over 3g & 4g and also edited it a little, hope it works, didnt test it

*Added new fonts, kind of nicer

*Tittle bar now is transparent now

*Edited all status bar icons, now they look better

*edited build prop to show glacier again since i couldnt get netflix working anyways, it will work on 2.3.4 when i move to that base, edited for better network connection, better battery and lots more thanks to a friend(almost my team member) didnt mention the name because some one around here(_____) reported him for something and he got banned suppostly for multiple accounts, 😡

*Fixed some .pngs that were damaged, now when you press the search bar on the browser it should be good, 

*Edited some icons for when you receive a call, both icons wont be green, 

*edited lots of framework images, cant remember so much things lol

Added new live wallpapers, bubbles, christmassnowcity, fireworks,WD from the Lg 2x 

*Edited the script to add the data folder, now batterycalibration app, bubbles live wallpaper, flash player, google street view, rom manager, swype installer, chrstmassnowcity live wallpaper, fireworks live wallpaper, qik video, wd live wallpaper were pushed to /data/app/ for easy removal, note that if you factory reset you will loose all of them..

*Added a lib for better sound, added lib samsung sound booster for a god damm high sound, libs for better media, arm, lib for gtalk, voice search and lots more well just note that the libs folder went from 131 to 140

*edited digital clock, now transparent and with a bull icon, see screenshot

*Found a world clock on the 2x phone and it worked on my rom, but it was so ugly that i decided to see what i could get out of it and made it look very nice

*Edited SMS unread count widget to be 100% transparent …Black fonts

*Added Dev tools app

*Updated flash player and others

*Edited gallery3d colors, now it will like so much better

*Made status switch transparent black instead of dark blue

*Systemui Edits

*Cant remember more, ill keep adding as i remember…

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