
Round two of LG Nexus images and info break Cover

We all saw the supposed leaked images of the LG Nexus device late last night. Shortly after that broke cover another set of images were located that were actually posted prior to those. A set that actually showed a little bit more of how the device was looking with out the aid of those sneaky casings wrapped around it. These new images definitely look much better.

With the ‘About Phone’ screen up and open, there was some pretty good information that can be put together about the device. First off, Android 4.1.2. Even though many think that can’t be true because the next Nexus should be 4.2. While it is still possible for Google to be bringing Key Lime Pie or Kandy Kane or what ever it will eventually land as, 4.1.2 is the most recent build by Google. They even just released it to AOSP this morning. So this makes the LG Nexus quite a bit more plausible. Add in the code name of Mako and there is more goodness to be had. with the help of Nenamark, Android&Me were able to find the devices code name and some of its internal workings. Currently showing up with the Qualcomm 1.5GHz quad-core S4 Pro processor and Adreno 320 GPU.

Still need more further proof? So do we. According to another source that came forward, “YES! This is the phone I handled. 100%.” In reference to the device. Being sure to also mention that the one he had handled had the Nexus ‘X’ on the back as well in multiple colors.

So now what? That is a great question. All signs point to an LG Nexus device on its way. Will it be the only Nexus this year though, or will the other OEM’s and Google be putting out multiple devices as previously thought? LG has always made some pretty great hardware, but their software kept them from making an impact in the Android community like Samsung. With a pure stock Google Android experience loaded to hardware that looks like the Optimus G, it is hard to not think this is full of win.

Where do you guys stand? Will this be the king of devices when it launches? Will you jump on board even if it is LG just because the hardware specs look great and Google is in control of the software? I know it sure makes me tingly all over.

Source: Android & Me and