• Leak
  • 14 April, 2014

Rumored New Google App Icons Get the Leak Treatment

There is a rumor floating around the community that Google will be updating their Google app icons for the next version of Android. I would say it is about time for an icon overhaul, and luckily we get a little preview of what these icons will look like.


Project Moonshine seems to be the title for this icon change, and leave it to the community of Reddit to give us the preview of what the icons will look like. No word on if the web icons will get a change as well, but I must say that I like the purposed new icons. They still represent that flat look we have all fell in love with, but there is also a somewhat 3D look to them, especially when you look at that calendar icon. Let us know your thoughts about the icon update. SHould they keep them as they are? Or are you digging the purposed icons?

Source: Reddit
Via: Phandroid