
Samsung Captivate Gets Official CM7 Build – [Update] Not So Official


“Alright, single file please, no pushing, everyone will get their chance.” Captivate owners your time has come, the biggest baddest ROM to date has finally landed on your door step. This new release is still beta so bugs are to be expected however it has been deemed usable. Actual regular updates could be in your near future so you may actually get to see what it’s like to have support of sorts.  As I’ve said before, why wait for updates from Samsung when you can get better ones from devs? CyanogenMod has all but taken over the world, although I think that’s next on their list.

For information including a download link and instructions visit the XDA thread. Congratulations! Have a ball. =)



Enough said.

[While we support development, we do not take responsibility for anything that happens to your device upon flashing software. If your device gets bricked, your dog eats it, or it self-destructs, we’re throwing our hands up. Not in celebration of course, however if that last thing happens get it on video. It would make a nice post. Have fun. =)]

Source: Android Central, teknami