• Root
  • 19 September, 2011

Samsung Epic 4G Touch has been rooted successfully

One thing I have always loved about the Samsung Galaxy S line of devices is how easy they are to root. I had hoped the same thing would ring true on the Galaxy S II. As it would seem, it is. The combined efforts of zedomax from XDA and ShappyPenquin and Tanimn from ACS, The Epic 4G Touch now has root. The process is pretty simple. Using an ODIN file and download mode you can quickly and easily have have root up and running on your device. Zedomaz was nice enough to not only provide written instructions with images but also a very handy YouTube video which you can find below.

Now that one root method is available for us to use, we should start seeing some custom ROMs hitting the device very soon. Be sure to head over to zedomax’s thread for written instructions and the required download file.

Source: XDA