• News
  • 17 November, 2011

Samsung Galaxy Nexus commercial debuts on the Web, keeps us Excited

Oh Galaxy Nexus, how do I love thee, let me counts the ways…. Not really. It is an amazing device and the Android 4.0 software is absolutely stunning. Even with all of its awesomeness, I personally still can’t get past the lack of SD card support. I don’t know why that bothers me so much. That most likely won’t detour me from snagging one if it hits T-Mobile, ever. I will still greatly enjoy looking at the device and seeing all the wonderful things it can do.

Very recently, the Google Nexus YouTube account popped up a commercial about the device. The commercial is done in typical Samsung format, with people as the focus of the device. It is not as good as the Galaxy S II commercial in my opinion, but I know many of you will watch it anyways just to catch a look at it in use. Feel free to check it out.

They even tossed in a girl eating an Ice Cream Sandwich at the 44 second market. How clever are they?