
Samsung gives the Galaxy Nexus a Whitewash

The history of the Nexus brand has always been very solid. One device a year, sold in one style with unlimited potential. Samsung doesn’t seem to think it should be limited to just one look though. They have been on a  whitewashing bender lately, pushing out white variants to the Galaxy S II on various carriers. There is never anything different about the device except the color and that is OK. It gives the people who have been penny-pinching, or holding off for just the right deal, to get their hands on a Galaxy Nexus that looks just a little different from everyone else’s. This comes in hand if you have a lot of friends already sporting one. Next month the snowy version of the GNex will be landing at various retailers in the UK. Clove will have a 16GB version in stock February 6th for £498.00 ans MobileFun will have it a few days early on the 2nd with a price tag of £519.95.

Does a white version of the GNex make it even more appealing to you, or are you dumbfounded that Samsung keeps popping out a white version of their handsets. To me it is crazy to think that something as simple as a color variation has the potential to make people drop the bills to get it.

Source: PhandroidÂ