
Samsung posts the Galaxy S Relay 4G for T-Mobile to their site, still missing lots of Info

It isn’t to often that we follow along with a device that isn’t a high-end mega phone. For some reason though, the Galaxy S Relay 4G has us a bit excited to finally see it hit T-Mobile. It seems Samsung has now outed the device  purely by accident. After tracing the image back to the source at Samsung, the page cannot be found. That has never stopped the Android community from getting every ounce it could off the page before it disappeared though.  However, they didn’t go as far as posting up the full spec list just yet. At least those of you interested in the newest full QWERTY slider device from Samsung can get a full 360 degree view of the device ahead of the official announcement.

The specs are still rumored to sport a 4-inch screen, but most likely a standard screen like the Vibrant and not an HD screen. A dual-core Qualcomm S4 processor at 1.5GHz, and most likely Ice Cream Sandwich but probably not Jelly Bean. heck, the device may never see a Jelly Bean update at all. Who knows though. Either way, those of you that just need more power, a QWERTY keyboard and are happy with the screen size, this could be a real contender. After all, we fully expect this device to hit with a reasonable price tag aimed probably in the $100 to $150 range.

I think the wife might like this one.

Hopefully Samsung and T-Mobile make the official announcement soon though, this would be a pretty great device for back to school if they can get it out in the next week or so. Anyone thinking this could be their next device or possibly a great one for your pre-teen or teen?

Source: Tmonews