
Samsung pushing update out for Galaxy Tab 10.1, this time it should Work

Last week we brought you guys news of the Android 3.2 update that was being sent out to Tab 10.1 owners. The issue at that time was an over whelming number of users having issues with the update breaking their WiFi connections. Of course we advised against the update and Samsung promptly pulled it before more users were effected.

This afternoon we received an email from Samsung letting us know that the issue has been identified and resolved. If you didn’t update to the one sent out last week, feel free to check again and don’t hesitate to hit install this time. For those of you that did the update and are stuck with no WiFi connections, Samsung has you covered there too. Simply plug your device into your PC and open up the Kies program and get the update that way.

Good job Samsung. I am glad to know that they took all the necessary steps quickly to resolve this issue for its users.