
Samsung starts teasing for CES 2013, ‘Something New, Get Ready’


Everyone is gearing up for CES 2013. That includes all the big boys. The closer we get January, the more teasers and leaks we will all start to see. Samsung is gearing up to keep us all looking in their direction at the upcoming show. They have recently released a little teaser video to get us all talking.

Not much to see really. The video is pretty vague on what is coming. It promises ‘Something New’ and to ‘Get Ready’. They toss out a few words that hit you like a ton of bricks too. Like Innovation, Design, Technology, Dreams, Wonder and The Future. What on earth could Samsung be bringing to the table? Your guess is as good as ours. We fully expect to see more of the flexible OLED display technology that was showed off last year. Of course it is speculated and rumored that same tech will be in the Samsung Galaxy S IV. We don’t expect to see the S 4 on display though. It is possible, but unlikely.

Since the video was posted to Samsung Tomorrows blog, it doesn’t even have to be a new phone or tablet. Last year they showcased their new line of internet TV’s that did some pretty cool things. At this point there isn’t much to go on. Samsung does put on a pretty good show at CES and if all things go according to plan, we will be there to let you all know what Samsung is bringing to the table in 2013 and beyond.

Source: Samsung Tomorrow