
Saving Yello will keep you entertained and addicted, who doesn’t love launching a Goldfish

Say hello to Yello. A poor little goldfish that was yanked from his quiet life in the fish bowl by his owner who thought he needed to go for a walk. Aren’t kids evil? All Yello wants to do is get back to the safety of his glass home so he doesn’t die. You get to help him out and cause some mischief and mayhem along the way.

Saving Yello is a bit like Angry Birds, so if you have a serious addiction to that game you must try this one out. The game principles are simple. Pull back on Yello’s tail, take aim and slingshot him through the air. You have a limited number of shots to get him back to his fish bowl and to safety, until he gets yanked out for another level of course. The games graphics are great and the animations are superbly enjoyable. It doesn’t hurt that they added in some great sounds for Yello himself along with a fun toy room sounding musical track and power-ups. Along your journey you even get to set the poor guy on fire. Fried Goldfish anyone? Other power-ups include a blowfish style approach with spikes and freezing Yello in a block of ice. All of this is necessary to get home, and no Goldfish were harmed in the making of this game.

There are 10 free levels to get you addicted to the game, then once you finish those you are prompted to pick up the full game via in-app purchase. The good news is it is only 0.99. The full version offers 50 hazardous levels over three various room decors. It is really worth your time and money. With no annoying ads and a enough levels to make that 99 cents worth it. Some have reported it freeze or lagging on the Galaxy Note, Razr MAXX and Galaxy SII. I had no issues on my Vibrant at all. Since it is free to try, it doesn’t hurt to give it a whirl on your device anyways.

Feel free to click or scan the QR code below to head to the market and get this game installed.

Application: Saving Yello 
Developer: dreamfab GmbH & Co. KG
Cost: FREE + $0.99 in-app full game purchase

Via AndroidPolice – Great find Eric.