
Say it Ain’t So! Root for Photon 4G Acquired, $100 Dock Required

So you went out and bought that super cool new Motorola Photo 4G. You are loving it but have been waiting for root to hit the streets to get full control and finally use your device your way again. The good news, root is available. The bad news, it’s gonna cost you, at least for now. I am certain their will be other methods to gain root rolling around in no time. If you don’t want to wait though, you better get out your pocket book and make sure you have all of the following –

HD Station
Sprint Photon
HDMI cable that came with HD Station
Monitor or TV with open HDMI port
Wifi connection on the phone
Computer with network access to the phone

Yes, you read that correctly. All of the above stuff is required to get root going on your device. Overall, the instruction aren’t to terribly difficult. I just hope another method is found before your buyers remorse time is up. I’d be taking it back nearly immediately if it were me. If you already have everything on that list, then feel free to check out edgan XDA thread for full instruction and proper files.

Source: XDA