
Select Samsung Galaxy branded devices get FREE games via Samsung App Store

Everyone loves some free stuff right? Especially around the holidays when the bank account is at an all time low. Samsung is currently running a 2 month-long promo called “Get Best Games for FREE!” Not the their most brilliant promotional name, but it works. If you happen to own one of the many Galaxy branded devices that Samsung has produces then you could score yourself some free games. The only requirement is that your device has access to their “Samsung Apps” app on your device. A number of stock users should be good to go.

The list of available games isn’t all that shabby either. You can snag Sprinkle, Samurai 2 and Riptide GP HD all for nothing. Take a look at the nifty little table below to see the list of devices and games being offered. We don’t see any tablets in the list, so that is a bit of a drag. Then again, I am not personally sure if the Samsung Apps app is installed on any of them. Might warrant a quick check anyways,

Source: CoolSmartPhone