
Show your CyanogenMOD love with a set of Ear Plugs and donate $5 to CyanogenMOD

Just when you thought you’d seen everything, a very creative person has made a set of CyanogeMOD Ear Plugs you can purchase in varying sizes.

For anyone out there who wants to show their love and support for CyanogenMOD and the excellent work of TeamDouche, you can purchase a set of plugs on Etsy and they will donate $5 to CyanogenMOD for every purchase made.

This is a listing for 1 pair of CYANOGEN plugs!


For every pair of these plugs sold I will donate $5 to

Sizes: 2g, 0g, 00g, 7/16 inch, 1/2 inch, 9/16 inch 5/8 inch, 3/4 inch, 7/8 inch, 1 inch. Bigger sizes can be made upon request.

So if you have the inclination to strecth out your ears and hit the fashion catwalk parades with a nice shiny pair of cyanongeMOD plugs, head over to the Etsy site now and place your order

What will they think of next and what else have you seen to take the Android creativity to the extreme?