• News
  • 6 November, 2014

Showtime Following the Streaming Trend and will Offer Internet Only Subscriptions Next Year

The cord cutters across the US have apparently done a great job at proving to the media moguls that it is time to start changing how they deliver their content. Over the last few weeks we have seen CBS push out a subscription based service online, and sub-sequentially through their Android app, to give consumers the ability to get their content directly for a monthly fee. Just before that we heard from HBO that they will be breaking the mold of being a Cable only offering and bring a streaming subscription to consumers in 2015. Now Showtime is jumping on the bandwagon so they don’t miss-out on potential revenue from the cord cutters.

Showtime Anytime for Android

CBS chief executive officer Leslie Moonves said that a standalone access option for Showtime’s programming is coming in 2015 “fairly definitively.” Which means that is what he wants to do, he believes they can do it, but they have some things to work out and it might take some time.

There’s many millions of people out there on college campuses, the cord-nevers, the cord-cutters … and there are 10 million broadband-only consumers out there, and we expect to be able to get those people and reach those people,” Moonves said, according to a transcript on investing site Seeking Alpha. “We could say fairly definitively, sometime in ’15, there will be some service from Showtime.”

Showtime already has the Showtime Anytime app available in the Play Store that streams content, so long as you pay for the channel on your current accepted TV provider. It would really come down to the contracts they have for the premium package channel with the various cable and satellite networks.

I see all of his as the first step in a bigger picture move. Once the premium channels migrate, and offer, their content as a package to your TV through a provider and direct to customers via streaming then there will need to be a bigger move in the industry. A fully streaming accessible anywhere package that you can pick and choose with varying payment methods. I would have no qualms about picking a few core channels and premium channels that can be accessed through a single app login on a monthly payment option that is less than current packages pipped in to your home over cable or satellite.

What do you all think? Are these media moguls finally seeing that cord cutters aren’t just an elite trendy few that they can afford to ignore any longer?

Source: USA Today