• News
  • 23 November, 2010


There will come a time while you are androiding when you will discover features that effortlessly slip you into fanboyism. Come to find out, Google knew about these swindles all along and has recently introduced a way for us all to stop harassing the person next to us about our favorite gems, and instead use them in a short video demonstrating these fantastic technological treasures.

Feast your mouse clicks upon Demo Slam! Consider how other people will benefit from Android, then accompanied by the best of your buddies, video camera, and favorite Android tech, challenge yourself to show off how powerful our phones can be, especially for those who need it the most. (Hi, Mom)
To ensure your slam is as effective as possible, run over all of Your Demo Do’s and Dont’s.

A few tips:

  • Do try to keep it under one minute.
  • Do keep it family-friendly.
  • Do ensure everyone in your demo gave permissions to be included.
  • Do get creative.
  • Don’t click search results loading the landing page.
  • Don’t use people’s name without their permission.
  • Don’t be crude towards other people or their companies.
  • Don’t forget to be creative.

Considering busting a kick flip 20 ft in the air while simultaneously conducting a voice search? Too late, it’s been done, but you can top this. Use your kids. Use your genius. Do what you need to encourage us to use this technology in amazing ways. People are being slammed out there, what are you waiting for?

Go Slam. Go Vote.

Show the world what you can do.