
Sony commissions limited edition Xperia Z3 devices with artistic engravings of Berlin, Tokyo and Warsaw

Some phone manufacturers occasionally release limited edition versions of their flagship devices that seem a little excessive – the Swarovski crystal encrusted versions of Samsung devices immediately spring to mind. Sometimes, though, there will actually be a limited edition that is genuinely interesting, like the limited edition Xperia Z3 devices that Sony has just commissioned as part of their “Stadt Talente” project.

As part of the project, Sony invited artists to illustrate their interpretation of their favourite cities and for it to be put onto a device from the Xperia Z3 line. Three artists in particular are featured this time around, with Vesa Tapani Sammalisto depiciting Berlin on a Xperia Z3, Shinpei Hasegawa drawing Tokyo on a Xperia Z3 Compact, and Jan Feliks Kallwejt putting Warsaw on a Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact. I’m quite a big fan of these limited edition devices as you really get the sense that you have something truly unique, and they will be quite scarce as well – only 33 of each device is available at this point in time and only for sale in Germany, so you better move quick if you want part of this action.

Check out some images of their handiwork below:




What do you think of these limited edition Xperia Z3 devices? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: XperiaBlog via TalkAndroid