• News
  • 18 November, 2009

Soulife ADP Remix v1.0

Soulife has released version 1.0 of his ADP Remix ROM.  The new ROM has many applications pre-installed and a lot of optimization.

General Info

  • Built with Cyanogen’s kernel and ramdisk (4.2.4)
    (I modified his a2sd script and ramdisk to be more suited for this build, also when using A2SD dalvik-cache stays on internal storage and not on sdcard)
  • 10MB kernel hack
  • UNIVERSAL! Runs on both Dream and Magic 32B
  • Now identifies itself as either T-Mobile G1 or myTouch
  • Enhanced ramdisk which uses optimal mount options and smart startup
  • Includes E2FSProgs for checking and converting Ext filesystems
  • Apps2SD is automatic! All you need is a second partition (ext).
  • Supports ext2/ext3/ext4 for Apps2SD
  • Clean filesystem shutdown at poweroff/reboot, and fsck at boot (no FS corruption!)
  • Highly optimized kernel with many extra modules
  • Maximum CPU scaling frequency set to 528MHz with latency tweaks
  • Runs /system/sd/userinit.sh after A2SD setup and before starting the runtime for user scripts

Head over to Soulife’s AndroidStory Developer Homepage for more information and downloads.