
Sprint Makes Hero Android 2.1 Update Official

Finally Sprint has released (almost) the the much delayed Android 2.1 update for the Sprint HTC Hero.  The software has a very tiny change log given how significant the update actually is, stating the following changes:

This update includes:
– Upgraded operating system to Android 2.1 Eclair
– Enhancements to sense user interface (UI)
– Enhanced corporate email support
– Variety of minor bug fixes

What’s frustrating is the absence of any download links.  Sprint has officially confirmed the upgrade to Android 2.1 on the site but failed to actually provide a download yet.  I’m sure they have some reason for doing this, but it’s beyond my knowledge.  Why not have everything ready before they post the upgrade notice.

UPDATE: Download link is now available on the HTC Support Site.

Keep checking the page for the actual download link and be sure to let us know if you see it.