
Square Enix releases FINAL FANTASY TACTICS : WotL to the PLay Store, carries usual high value price tag

Square Enix has been on a game releasing roll the last few days.  First it was a new runner take on Tomb Raider with Lara Croft: Relic Run. Then it was the release of Hitman: Sniper and now they push out Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lion to help gamers pass the time this weekend. This release version is the one that they pushed out to the PSP back in 2007 and re-released to iOS in 2011.

Final Fantasy Tactics War of the Lion

Like all the Final Fantasy titles that Square Enix brings to the mobile sector, this one will set you back a pretty penny coming in at $13.99. Fans of the franchise, and in particular the tactics RPG version of the series, won’t hesitate to pick this one up. Others might find the price tag a bit to steep for their Opinion Rewards credit balance for now. Those of you that already have it on another platform know just how great it is. If you are new to the title, check out the short PSP intro to get a better idea before hand.

Ready to take the plunge into a world of wonders that will leave you connected to a wall outlet to keep your device alive? Hit the links below and bounce on into the Pay Store and get to work.

Additional game story-line and details can be found at the official Final Fantasy Tactics website.