• News
  • 29 July, 2011

Stage an Intervention, Help Save a Friend From Email Disaster

I can’t even begin to tell you how many friends I have that are still stuck using their Yahoo, AOL or Hotmail accounts. When Google+ let me start inviting my friends I started going through my email contacts to send them an invite. I even emailed some friends to get their GMail address. I had at least 15 friends all with Android phones, not even know what it was. That’s embarrassing!

We all need to band together to save these people, it’s time for an email intervention. Let Dr. Richard Muscat, an intervention specialist, help you save more people from their horrible addiction to outdated email accounts.

If you know someone that needs your help, please, go to the Email intervention tool to help save them. If we all work together we can save someone from a tragic email disaster.

Source: Phandroid