
No surprise: Samsung will cut number of models released by 25 to 30 percent

Samsung will cut number of modelsIn case you hadn’t heard, Samsung isn’t doing too great. Sure, it’s still top of the Android ladder, but its poor financial performance this year has it harshly assessing its strategy going forward. Now one of the things that Samsung is often associated with is inundating the market with an assortment of devices at different price points, effectively saturating all parts of the market and vastly increasing its chances of profit. While this didn’t work in 2014, Samsung will cut number of models that it produces, aiming to create more components that can be shared across models, so that the economies of scale work more in their favour.

In this way, Samsung will need to cut down their number of released models by 25 to 30 percent, which is a pretty big number when you think about how many mid and low range devices they release on a yearly basis – the Galaxy Core, Galaxy Ace, and Galaxy Mega just to name a few. And with the news that Samsung intends to make the Samsung Galaxy S6 from scratch, perhaps we shall see Samsung create an innovative flagship device like the one that saw it rise to prominence in the first place.

What do you think about Samsung cutting down on its yearly offerings? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Wall Street Journal via engadget