
Survey: What is your New Year’s Resolution and Why?

By the time you read this post, there will only be a few more hours left in 2011 — man, that went by quick, didn’t it? It seems like the older you get, the faster they go. At any rate, 2011 was a great year for us as a team and for myself as well. My son turned one, I got my associates degree in Information Technology and I’ve already started on my bachelors. While this past year definitely wasn’t my first in the Android scene, it was the first year I decided to become an active member and let my voice and opinions be heard in the form of becoming a blogger.

In the process, I started a site called OMG!Droid to test the waters. In doing so, I came in contact with Stormy and Simon, who persuaded me to join the dark side — a team of established, well-known and respected journalists in the Android community whom with I share a similar vision. Long story short, you see where this is posted. Here I am. I couldn’t be happier with my new home, either. These are a great bunch of dedicated people who are always good for a few laughs. And then there’s David and Jeff — well, they’re  always good for an alcoholic beverage or two (luv ya, boys!).

Anyways, my point in all this rambling is that, with the new year right around the corner we wanted to do something fun that would give our readers a chance to get their voice heard by the community. We want to know, what is your New Year’s resolution, and why have you chosen it to be your goal for 2012. In about a week, we’ll post the results of the survey to our readers so you can get an idea of what everybody else has planned. In a month or two, we’ll do a followup to see if you’re living up to your resolution. If you’d like to take part, all you have to do is click the link below and fill in the quick three-question survey.

[polldaddy survey=”6CBD3B32D3F8C3A8″ type=”button” title=”Survey: What’s Your New Year’s Resolution?” style=”inline” text_color=”000000″]

From all of us, to all of you — thanks for the wonderful year we shared in 2011. We hope to keep the party going in 2012, and we’ll be kicking things off with live coverage of CES from Vegas in a little over a week. If you’re attending the show, drop us a comment in the thread below to let us know what you’re most excited about seeing.

Be safe, and drink responsibly tonight, folks. We want to see all of your smiling faces back here, safe and sound come Sunday morning. Ciao!