
SwiftKey 3 Keyboard goes on sale, not 25 cents, but a $1 is still pretty Good

We all know by now that there is a pretty sweet app sale going on from Google in the Play Store. Guess what though, there are other apps on sale beside those that are equally, if not greatly, better than the ones being offered. SwiftKey 3 Keyboard is one of those apps.

We have watched SwiftKey grow from a good keyboard replacement app, to one that is easily a leader in the genre. The apps underlying intelligence from this keyboard is absolutely phenomenal  It is almost magic. There are times where you will be typing ans it knows what you are going to say before you even touch it. Well, maybe not that amazing. But the predictive technology used is pretty spot on often. Probably one of the greatest features in our book is the Smart Space feature. All to often you get to typing way to fast and have to go back and remove a ‘B’ or ‘V’ or some combination of both from sentences. It is easy to hit those instead of the space and just keep cruising along. Smart Space detects anomalies in those and corrects them before you even notice it. Seriously, take a look at the video below.

See, it is pretty smart for a keyboard. Now we do have to add that the tablet demo is also SwiftKey 3, but the tablet version of the app, that one is not on sale right now.  If you are constantly having to fix your typing errors then you should definitely give SwiftKey 3 a try. I know it has done wonders for my wife and a few of my friends. No longer and I having to play “guess what they meant”. That was kinda of fun though. You can snag SwiftKey 3 on sale right now as part of their own Fall sale. They have knocked the price down by 75% and offering it for $0.99 . We have listed the trial version as well for those of you who are scared to spend that dollar before giving it a go for yourself. The trial is for 30 days, but the app sale probably won’t last that ling.  Just click or scan that handy QR code below and have at it. Be sure to check out their website too,they have a great deal of info on it.

Application: SwiftKey 3 Trial -30 days
Developer: SwiftKey
Cost: FREE

Application: SwiftKey 3 
Developer: SwiftKey
Cost: $0.99